Thursday 25 November 2010

Designing the Aircraft: Part 7

I am really pleased with how the aircraft is looking. I experienced a few problems with the particles because when the aircraft moved round the path they did not stay behind in a single line and squirted out around the entire scene. After trying a few things I could not fix this and decided that I would use the particles only when the aircraft is animated in a straight line. This would not be a major problem as the red arrows do not always emit smoke all the time.

The next stage was to set up a camera to follow the aircraft whilst it was moving. I decided to use the same technique as before and put the camera on a path so it would again flow consistent. I created a spline that would act as the path and created a target camera, I then clicked in the motion panel and selected position, choosing path constraint. I then selected add path in path parameters and clicked on the path. The camera then attached to the path and moving the timeline the camera moved along the spline. I noticed that when the camera moved along it did not keep up with the aircraft, I changed the target so it was directly on the aircraft and from this it followed it plane all the way around.

As you can see from the screenshot the camera is targeting the aircraft.

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