Wednesday 1 December 2010

New Elements Learnt Throughout the Process

Throughout the project I have learnt a lot. My modelling has certainly improved and I have learnt new techniques on how to do so. I have learnt how to add a particle emulator as I had never used one of these before and once I found a useful tutorial it did not take too long to complete. I was a little tricky to get the size and amount it emmits to the correct amount but playing around with the settings allowed me to do so successfully. The particles look very realistic and changing the colour of the spray emulates the red arrows nicely. I have also learnt a new animation technique by applying the camera to a spline which was ideal for my aircraft as this allowed a nice even flow of the aircraft. Another new element I have learnt is how to use a UVW map as was unable to complete this section when modelling my 3D head. This is quite tricky and having more time I would have tried to get the front of the aircraft to line up.

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