Thursday 9 December 2010

Conclusion Of Final Video

Now we have made the changes the video is complete, I am happy with the finished product. I think the video flows well and the transitions work well between each of our work. The video clearly advertises different places and things to do whilst in Essex to entise new visitors. The website at the end indicates where they can go to find more thus advertising for Essex.

I spent a lot of time creating the aircraft as my modelling skills are not great but and pleased with the final outcome. One thing I would change is the UVW map. Having had more time I would like to do this again to complete the top of the UVW map. I would also like to experiment with putting a pilot into the aircraft and create a beach scene so it looks like Southend. I could include Peter Pans playground, the casio or amusment arcade. I am pleased with the animation of the aircraft as I feel this looks realistic and I achieved what I set out to do so whilst learning new camera techniques.

As a group I feel we worked well. There was a lack of communication at the end of the project and we certainly under estiamted the amount of time it would take to complete our video in Premier Pro.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Group Rendering

As a group we had a lot of difficulty rendering the entire sequence. Some had rendered their videos in a different size so when they had been exported from Premier Pro they did not appear the same. Some video files were very big and this provided us with another problem of saving all the work. As a result of these problems we struggled to finish the video on time to a high quality standard that we were all pleased with in time for our presentation. As a group we definately under estiamted the time this would take and was unable to add any audio to the final video which was a great shame.

Having completed the presentation and taking into account the feedback comments, we straight away got to work to make some last minute tweeks on the video. The first thing we added was the audio to each of our clips, diegtic and non diegtic music can now be heard throughout. My video was also very long so I cut over half of it out and sped up some of the clips. The website name has also been added at the end to show the audience where to go for futher information and we have chosen the same colour scheme that you can find on the website. I think its clear from the first video, that as the weeks progressed we did not stick to the brief that Ellie had set and had veered off into another direction of not advertising Essex and forgetting it was a promotional piece.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Rendering in 3D Max....again

I have spoken to rest of the group and others have rendered their work in a different size to mine, I will now re-render my work to ensure the entire groups is the same size in order to get the best quality.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Adobe Premier Pro

Using Adobe Premier Pro I imported all the renders into the the timeline. I then edited them, and changed the speed/duration so they were slower, this allowed more time to view the aircraft. I then played around with the effects so the transitions were different so it was not a plain cut to each different video. Now all that is left to do is using the other group members renders import them all into the time line to complete the video.

A rough render of the film

Wednesday 1 December 2010

New Elements Learnt Throughout the Process

Throughout the project I have learnt a lot. My modelling has certainly improved and I have learnt new techniques on how to do so. I have learnt how to add a particle emulator as I had never used one of these before and once I found a useful tutorial it did not take too long to complete. I was a little tricky to get the size and amount it emmits to the correct amount but playing around with the settings allowed me to do so successfully. The particles look very realistic and changing the colour of the spray emulates the red arrows nicely. I have also learnt a new animation technique by applying the camera to a spline which was ideal for my aircraft as this allowed a nice even flow of the aircraft. Another new element I have learnt is how to use a UVW map as was unable to complete this section when modelling my 3D head. This is quite tricky and having more time I would have tried to get the front of the aircraft to line up.

Friday 26 November 2010

Designing Text

I have decided to begin building the text in 3D. In create I clicked on shapes and selected the text object. I wrote the text Essex in the Box and dragged it into place on the screen. In the modifier list I chose Bevel and changed the height and outline. I then created a material and applied this to the text. Then in Views I clicked on create camera from view and turned on the auto key, I then set moved the text around experimenting with different angles. I played back the timeline and the text spun around. The text is simple to create, we need to discuss as a group how we want it to appear and also colour schemes.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Designing the Aircraft: Part 8

I have began animating different scenes with the aircraft show different angles the aircraft in flight. I have now created a scene for which the aircraft can fly through. As all the scenes are of the plane in flight I have created a basic backdrop by cutting a sphere in half and adding a material to it. I also tried another method by clicking on rendering > environment and selecting use map,click on none and then bitmap and select the image. Then in the material editor I dragged the environment map across to a new default and made an instance. Then when rendered the you can see the cloudly environment.

I have uploaded some renders that I have made of the aircraft experimenting with different views and camera angles.